The design I choose is the logo used to classify products made in Mexico. Its simplicity in colors and forms attracts my sight, and my background of Mexico’s history permits me to identify elements within its context. From a formal analysis, it is a bicolor design, which speaks about its essence, a functional purpose. It is a design to advertise Mexican products, yet to tag for exportation as well. Moreover, this symbol is used either printed in Mexican goods, or as a sticker. Continuing with the formal analysis, it is framed with a single color, white, which creates the contour that plays with the same color of the typography and also present in figure in the center. The background is black, which makes a strong contrast, permitting the sight of the spectator to focus in the letters and the figure. The figure in the center is an eagle in profile pointing left or right. This bird depicts one of the three official symbols of the country. Furthermore, it has a reminiscence of the Aztec empire. Moreover, the three forms creating the neck of the eagle, are an abstraction of the trinity present in a second official symbol of Mexico, the flag, a three color one. Finally, the letters Hecho En México, are written in Spanish, for that is the official language of this country. This letters are placed in the center giving a balanced composition to the whole design.
Apex of Adulthood
10 years ago
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