It is the end the of a year as well of another college semester, a persuasive one that taught me diverse lessons and that took me into paths that I didn’t expected. My overview of the whole Fall 09 is quite diverse. I got inspired by some classes, and disappointed by others. In the case of Media in Digital Age, I was quite motivated. I choose this course, for I wanted to taste the area of media, rather than the film one, However, throughout the semester I was much more enthusiastic about the latter one. Today, I’m yearning to make a deeper exploration on film and the techniques within this area.
When I began the course, I was a total neophyte about every aspect of filming. I choose the class because of this simple reason; I was just expecting to learn something, that whatever it would be, it would be new for me. So, today I can say I got more than what I expected. I learned basic tools that encouraged me to continue discovering more on this area. As a combined-media artist, the aspect of video art as well as installation is of supreme importance to me. Therefore, I’m glad I had the chance to learn basic elements of how to use a camera and the technicalities about using it. Moreover, I’m quite delighted with another simple, yet basic aspect of filming, the use of lights. Next semester I will be constructing light-based installation that will merge both aspects of linguistics and of lightning. I’m positive that what I learnt in Media in Digital Age will help in pursuing this project.
Apex of Adulthood
10 years ago